Tuesday 9 May 2023

An Annoying Test


An Annoying Test


By Craig Wilson


The smoke clears and I find myself in a classroom.

Yet, I really do not remember going to school today.

In fact, I do not recognize the classroom arrangement.

My classmates remind me I have to take a small test.

There are numerous contradictions as I look around.

My classmates and I are adults – instead of children.

The classroom actually looks a lot more modern, too.

Heck, I don’t even recognise the man teaching us all.

The desks feel a tad small for an adult to sit at as well.

My phone’s alarm goes off and I return to the real world.


The End


The above story is a loose adaptation of a dream I had. If there is anything you would like to ask, feel free to leave a comment, and thank you for reading.

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