Friday 12 April 2024

Spider Bite


Spider Bite

By Craig Wilson

The smoke clears, and I find myself in a countryside.

The smoke clears, and I find myself in an old house.

As always, I do not recall going to this old house.

I hear a weird noise coming from the basement.

I ignore my instincts and descend the basement stairs.

I turn on my torch and scan the basement cautiously.

I suddenly feel pain and almost drop my little torch.

I turn around and realise a huge spider has bitten me.

I cannot scream. I feel woozy and I stumble to an exit.

Thankfully, my phone’s alarm goes off and I wake up.

The End

The above story is a loose adaptation of a dream I had. If there is anything you would like to ask, feel free to leave a comment, and thank you for reading.

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