Tuesday 4 April 2023

The Night of the Beasts


The Night of the Beasts


By Craig Wilson


I don’t think I am actually dreaming right now.

I cannot move. I feel paralysed. I gulp hard.

My tiny bedroom is still bathed in darkness.

My heart races in my chest. I can’t cry at all.

I can feel some beads of sweat on my forehead.

Outside, I can hear some odd noises in the night.

I hear dogs barking, but they sound demonic.

Also, I can hear some lunatics laughing outside.

Again, I cannot move, and I cannot cry now.

I am powerless to stop this. I want this to end.

Thankfully, my phone’s alarm finally goes off.


The End


The above story is a loose adaptation of a dream I had. If there is anything you would like to ask, feel free to leave a comment, and thank you for reading.

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