Tuesday 20 June 2023

Subtitle Fail


Subtitle Fail


By Craig Wilson


The smoke clears and I find myself in my bedroom.

However, I do not recall ever going to my room.

I notice on the calendar that it’s now the weekend.

There are no obligations so I decided to unwind.

I cannot think of a single game that I want to play.

I suddenly have the urge to watch a foreign film.

So, I search through my collection of old DVDs.

I find an Asian movie I haven’t watched in ages.

I pop the DVD in the DVD player and I get ready.

However, I’ve to mess around with the subtitles.

My dream suddenly ends – my phone’s alarm wails.


The End


The above story is a loose adaptation of a dream I had. If there is anything you would like to ask, feel free to leave a comment, and thank you for reading.

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