Tuesday 27 June 2023

The Missing Bag


The Missing Bag


By Craig Wilson


The smoke clears and I find myself in a high school.

Once again, I have no memory of coming to school.

I am in a vast hallway, and I can see numerous lockers.

A woman leaves a classroom, and she looks familiar.

This woman claims that I have her son’s little backpack.

I have no idea what she means, so I run away from her.

I wound up entering a cafeteria – filled with many folks.

I feel anxious when I see everybody looking at me.

I try to get something, but I’m charged an extra fee.

My phone’s alarm wails, and I am ripped from the dream.


The End


The above story is a loose adaptation of a dream I had. If there is anything you would like to ask, feel free to leave a comment, and thank you for reading.

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